17 days, Dec 05- Jan 06
Kind of travel: me and a sweet girl through a
wholly independent travel
When: 23rd December
05- 8th January 06
How I moved: train,
train and still train apart of a bunch of times riding buses. Taxis in the cities are a
convenient (0.8-2 euro) and safe way to move around
Freezing or baking?: freezing
of course: Urumqi :-15C!!! Unlike Russia most of the times inside the trains, hotels
and public places you'll be still shivering
Where I slept: half
of the nights on the train and the others in hotels. Sleeping trains are comfortable and
very safe, while hot water in hotels is often unavailable (despite what they say you!!).
Usually both the places are far from being warm, bring your own sleeping bag!
What I liked: the
approach of the people is laid back and dodgeys are rare. Travelling by train is fun,
while getting the ticket can be a bet :-) I loved the food and had great laughs trying to
communicate with the waiters. The frozen Saharan- like dunes in Dunhuang are impressive
and. the great wall is... great!
What I disliked: people
spitting his catarrh everywhere (even on the train), the reservation system of the train
tickets, the crowdy queuing to access at the train platform, freezing in the hotel rooms
and the awfully smoky internet cafe'
How much daily: travel in
China is not expensive, even far from a south Asian budget. Anyway consider the east coast
is the most expensive part of the country. Our costs: hotel (double room: 6-18 euro),
sleeping trains (12h in hard sleepers: 14-25 euro) and food (2-7 euro) = 20 euro/
day/ person
hassles: frankly to me the country appeared very safe
and not even the taxi drivers tried to cheat me. Of course bargaining is always an issue
but far from being a real hassle. Beware crossing the streets since cars seem to have no
brakes for pedestrians
What you do need: sleeping
bag and wear warm! A pocket Chinese phrasebook + learning to count in Chinese can make a
huge difference especially buying the tickets (personally I attended an evening Chinese
Landed in Almaty (ex Kazakh capital), we
spent one day hanging around the green frozen city before catching the train
for the long trip to Urumqi. To get to the border, to change the train
wheels (the Russian rail gauge is wider) and to reach Urumqi turned out to take 33 hours.
The train was quite empty, warm, and comfortable, so apart of the 10 hours waiting at the
border, the time flew away.
The Kazakh landscape
scrolling through the window was surreal: an endless desert covered by snow shaped by the
In Urumqi the wind made us
feel the real cold inside our bones. Although not among the best cities Ive ever
seen, it has been an interesting entry point to China, first of all for its muslim
influence that makes Xinjiang an unique Chinese region.
One night on the train and
few hours on a jumping minibus led us to the oasis of Dunhuang. Well
worthy the visit for the Buddhist caves (Mogao caves) but overall for the
frozen moon crescent lake surrounded by the huge Saharan like
dunes: dont miss the place!!!!
One night more on the train
and we got in the grey and polluted Lanzhou, from where we arrived in the
most rural town we have visited in China: Luomen. 18.00 pm: it was bloody
dark when we got off the train, no street lamps and no paved road. We negotiated the price
of the room in the small hotel of the town including three buckets of damned hot water.
The day after we visited the canyon (Lashao Si) and its
monasteries nearby the town.
We spent the New
Years eve in Tianshui, three hours by minibus from Luomen. but at
midnight it seemed very few people knew about it.
5h by trains and we reached
the tip of the silk way: Xian. Frankly I didnt get mad for the
terracotta army here in Xian, maybe due to the coldness or maybe just because of my too
big expectations.
While something quite funny
happened afterwards in the snowy Taiyuan: we were visiting the pagodas
when some Chinese guys, geared with their photographic outfit, insisted for some pictures
of us and of course we agreed. We almost forgot about them in the next two days while
visiting the cold Pingyao, but coming back on the train, a group of youths run to us
flapping a newspaper: a picture of us greeting to the camera with the pagoda in the
background was stamped on it (see it!!XXXXX)
Beijing unfortunately we were short of time for exploring the city but we
didnt miss the trip to the Great Wall: I promised you, it has been really
the way, would you guess how you can descend from the mountains of the Great Wall?
rollercoster obviously!!
initially not being deeply interested in the Chinese culture, my travel let me to
appreciate this huge country and its paradoxes. In particular I was surprised by the
relaxed approach of the Chinese towards the foreigners even in the rural areas. Of course
sometimes I felt observed but I never experienced insisting and annoying behaviours.
Nobody tried to cheat me even in the small things like giving the change or in the taxi.
On the other hand the
paradoxes are generated by the government who want both to push like hell and to break
completely the development according to his interests.
China is a huge country that
year after year will become more and more heterogeneous; personally I found unique the
western part (Xinjang) where you can really breath the Islamic influence, but from the
tourist point of view, the eastern one is definitely more dense. Generally
speaking, reading about the potential of the Chinese competitiveness or experiencing it in
your country, its easy to get scared and pissed off, while travelling there you
realise its the minimum reward they can deserve given their past. China drastically
changed and will still change in the next years, I guess this reason is enough to travel
there asap.
Alby |
Travelogues |
abroad to change money its not that issue, but in Urumqi it hasnt been a joke.
of all it turned out allowed just at the Bank of China, so we by our first Chinese taxi
ride we got there. Inside the bank the general appearance was pleasant: tidy and clean,
but with some funny details. At each counter next to the employer there were small
displays with a row of red star-like lights and three buttons:
you got it?? Once finished at the counter you were supposed to evaluate the quality of the
service you received and the lights showed the average of the votes. Hence entering the
bank it was immediate to spot the worst and the best employers: simply great!!! They
should introduce in Italy as well, maybe adding an extra voice at the bottom like :
he sucks, keep away!! :-)
wished there was such extra voice when I wanted to evaluated the employer I spoke with. In
fact when I ask to change my leftover of Kazakh currency she looked me disgusted refusing
the money. While I was insulting her, a guy tapped me back, asking me if I was interested
to change the money at the black market; I mean, inside the bank!!
agreed, he counted the money but he didnt have some small Chinese notes to give me
whom he asked to?
the employer at counter of the bank obviously, who, immediately, served him.
buying a train ticket can be quite challenging, getting on the train usually is not the
deserved reward.
fact theres a funny procedure that seems to have no exceptions in China. First of
all theres no direct access to the platform but you need to wait at a gate after
having shown your ticket an indefinite number of times. At the gate theres a
display, or just several doors and you have to guess the right one, where you are supposed
to wait. For the long distance train the waiting crowd can be huge and everybody carries
his own big luggage.
think to rest while you are waiting: a large number of people are always employed in the
coordination of this crowd and the typical employer is a determinate woman shouting in her
personal loudspeaker. I promise you, quite soon in China this object to you will turn out
terrifying and you will tremble seeing just one of this woman aiming in your direction
with her loudspeaker.
a certain moment, maybe defined by a secret signal I never understood, everybody gets up
and starts pressing the people in front of him. Here the women with the loudspeaker give
their best: they really shout like hell and it seems amazing a girl lower than 1.60cm
could create such sounds.
will experiment the concert-like feeling, where you are pressed and squeezed towards the
gate where another group of serious and pissed off woman check your ticket. In such havoc
the amazing thing is that everybody has a numbered seat and theres no reason to be
the first to enter the platform, even because when you access it the train usually is not
there yet. Here you will find a lot of other women with their loudspeaker who will shout
to form other queues. Again
the amazing thing is that, when the train arrives, the doors dont correspond to the
queues so they screw up and everybody rush everywhere. To get on, again two women per each
door, without loudspeaker (but dont worry theres at least a third one with it
behind them) check your ticket and finally you are on! :-)
Dicembre 2006, Shaanxi (China)
....5200 km e' la distanza ferroviaria tra Almaty
(Kazakhstan) e Pekino (China), cioe' una spezzata che da Occidente
a Oriente taglia quasi orizzontalmente i 10 milioni di km2 dell'infinita
Atterrati in Kazakhstan un vuoto lungo treno inizia
il viaggio verso la China. Dopo una 15ina di ore, si ferma e seri
militari salgono per la solita routine: perquisizione dello scompartimento,
dei bagagli e controllo dei visti. Fuori abbiamo visto scorrere
per quasi tutto il viaggio un paesaggio lunare: deserto sabbioso
coperto di neve e laghi completamente ghiacciati.
La cosa si fa lunga e, stufo del solito tea, scendo a cercare
qualcosa da mangiare. Siamo a Dostyk, una di quelle cittadine
di frontiera che non ti fanno venir voglia di rimanerci. Nonostante
sia vestito da attraversata artica sento molto freddo (sui -15C)
soprattutto per il vento gelido che lucida il ghiaccio che ricopre
un po' tutto.
In giro solo qualche gruppo di militari. Chiedo a loro e arrogantemente
mi indicano un anonimo emporio poco piu' avanti. Dentro: tante
bottiglie di vodka, uova, salami, grandi pagnotte e poche altre
cose. Le commesse sono russe cafonissime (ovviamente) e quelli
che vogliono comprare la vodka non fanno altro che rubarmi il
Mi chiedo chi possa vivere qui?
Risalgo sul treno e mentre mi sto scongelando entra ancora un
altro militare, ma questo e' giovane e soprattutto ha una gran
voglia di chiacchierare. L'attesa e' davvero lunga e lui non ha
fretta, cosi' ci racconta:
"Ho 23 anni, ho fatto il servizio militare e poi ho deciso
di servire il mio paese come guardia di frontiera.
Vivo ad Almaty (ndr: 15h da li') e ritorno a casa una volta all'anno
per 30gg quando il mio capo mi dà il permesso. Qui a Dostyk
non e' male: anche se non ci sono hotels o ristoranti c'e' un
locale, dove la vodka scende giu' a fiumi (ndr: e non stento a
"Le donne? Preferisco Almaty, ma cmq qui una 30ina c'e' ne
sono... a me (ndr: e agli altri 200 militari arrapati) piace la
cameriera del locale, forse l'unica carina"
Sembra quasi inorgogliosirsi dicendo:" questo e' uno dei
5 posti peggiori al mondo per le condizioni climatiche: fino a
-40C d'inverno e fino a +40C d'estate. Non e' una bella simmetria?
Io adoro incontrare stranieri: il passaggio di frontiera via strada
non gli e' permesso, ma in treno qualche volta ne trovo. In estate
piu' frequentemente, mentre in inverno diciamo uno al mese passa
da qui".
Mentre mi parla penso che le persone come lui siano completamente
tagliate fuori e ti immagini tutta la sua confinata finestra sul
mondo, poi esordisce e rimango basito:
"ho sentito che in Italia hanno introdotto la legge contro
il fumo nei locali pubblici, come va? "
Stiamo uscendo da quella che prima era la grande Russia e quindi
cambia lo scarto ferroviario. L'ingresso in Bielorussia lo scorso
inverno mi aveva gia' svelato il trucco: le carrozze vengono sollevate,
tutto il telaio inferiore con le ruote tolto e poi sostituito.
Il tutto mentre tu stai comodamente a nanna nelle coperte e non
osi spostare la sbiadita tendina delle ferrovie Kazake per guardare
fuori dal finestrino quei poveri cristi dei meccanici a schiattare
dal freddo.
Solo dopo piu' di 10 ore tra attese, controlli e cambi ruote,
il treno si inoltra nel deserto Cinese. E In tutto saranno 33
le ore di viaggio fino alla prima grande città.
E' buffo arrivare in quei posti in China che sulla
mappa sono un insignificante puntino in mezzo al nulla, a tal
punto che tracciando l'itinerario ti chiedi se avranno stazione
ferroviaria o ci sara' da dormire, e poi quando sei lì
realizzi che sono citta' da 3 milioni di abitanti. Dimenticate
Hong Kong o Shanghai da questo punto della China si fa prima ad
arrivare in Europa che nei due colossi (e non scherzo). Cambiare
I soldi solitamente non e' mai un problema ma questa volta proprio
non si poteva se non alla Banca Centrale Cinese.
E andiamo in questo diavolo di posto!
Enorme edificio in un centro citta' stile New York al cui interno
una lunga striscia di sportelli, mi metto in coda e subito focalizzo
un buffo display di fianco al vetro di ogni sportello: sono 4
stelline luminose e sotto dei pulsanti con addirittura anche la
scritta in inglese:
Molto soddisfatto
Nella media
Osservo, ci penso, realizzo il meccanismo: incredibile!!!
Praticamente alla fine valuti il servizio e le stelline si illuminano
di conseguenza secondo la media delle valutazioni. Insomma se
sei una sega, tieni mezza stellina su 4 illuminata e chiunque
entri nella banca lo vede immediatamente. Al ritorno proporrò
di adottarlo anche in ufficio, magari con un bel display che da'
pure sull'esterno. Ufficio a parte, la tipa dello sportello mi
ha risbattuto indietro I miei soldi Kazaki con uno sguardo pure
un po' schifato. Mi sono girati cosi' tanto i maroni che mi sarei
incollato al pulsante del non soddisfatto da fargli spegnere tutte
le stelline.
Ma non ne ho neppure il tempo quando un tipo da dietro mi chiama,
ha in mano una spessa mazzetta.
Non ci posso credere eppure e' vero.
Il cambio in nero lo fanno addirittura dentro la banca, senza
alcuno scrupolo. E hanno anche le valute che la stessa banca cambia.
Cambio questi benedetti soldi, ma lui non ha gli spiccioli. Dove
li va a chiedere? Ovviamente allo sportello del cambio della banca.
E' gia' un decina di giorni che siamo in viaggio
e oggi abbiamo incontrato il primo straniero da quando siamo partiti:
e' un simpatico inglese che viene dal freddo Tibet. Abbiamo attraversato
gran bei posti e sono tanti i ricordi che si affollano: dalla
cittadina in un oasi in mezzo alle altissime (un migliaio di metri)
dune sabbiose coperte di neve la cui specialita' e' il 'brasato
di zampa di cammello, al paesino in cui non c'era possibilita'
di avere acqua calda e la contrattazione della camera ha incluso
termos di acqua bollente per lavarci.
E dove le volete mettere le montagne russe di un parco di divertimenti
(rigorosamente per adulti) a pedali??
Ma non fatevi ingannare la China non e' l'Africa, anzi cavalca
sempre piu' veloce. Muovendosi nel paese e' evidente come qui
in passato si sia sofferto e non poco. Ora le cose sono diverse;
adesso e' il loro turno, vedono uno spiraglio di benessere, e
non se lo lasceranno sfuggire.
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