It's not a very cheap country!!
Even for a low budget travel like mine it turns out to be as expensive as Spain. Forget
travelling with less than 15 euro/day, unless you don't travel walking, sleeping on the
side of the road and eating bread ;-),... maybe if you are french speaking you'll be more
skillful than me bargaining
Never trust people about schedule!!!
I've had bad experiences about people reliability concerning schedule (and
everything else). They simply lie.
People calling you TUBAB!!
You'll hear almost everybody calling you TUBAB, it means white man. To me it doesn't sound
so friendly, at least don't smile thinking to be greeted !
Learn some bambara words
I experienced that to learn some bambara words as the greetings or "no thank
you", "please","how are you?", really made people more helpful,
also when you ask about their pronunciation you'll see the joy of the people while they
explain you. At the end I was able to bargin in bambara, it was fun!...and remember, a
greet (in any language) doesn't cost a thing
Use local guides
Getting a local guide is often the best way to avoid bothering people but the risk
then, is that to get stuck in a turistic root.
If travelling with your partner
If you are travelling with your not-married partner always lie saying you are married,
also to the policemen, and especially to the border guards. You are not obliged to have it
written on the passport!
Avoid last seat row in taxi de brousse
They always pushed me in the last seat row in the taxi de brousse, even if I was the first
to enter in it. I argued but never won. It's so uncomfortable, definitely you'll travel
hours leaning you yaw on the knees of your grabbed legs
Definitely people don't like to be photographed
I've traveled in several countries with a very small camera and I've always been
respectful and kind taking pics of people, but I've never had as much problems as here.
Sometimes I had really to flee from yelling people, expecially in the market...
Don't take Africa bus tour, you'll regret it !!
I think that reading the funny
story about my experience with Africa bus tour will be enough
to convince you; considering I had been warned...
I loved malian fried potatoes
One of my best memories about Mali was the pleasure to eat the slighty sweet fried
potatoes that were sold by the women in the streets. They were so delicious, don't miss
them!!! And, moreover, they were one of the cheapest food |