ABOUT THE TRIP IN KAYAK 15 days, July 2001
Stockholm archipelago (Sweden)
Stockholm archipelago is amazing: a
labyrinth of thousands of medium-tiny islands where you can wander plunged in the wildlife with, in
summertime, a 20 hours daylight. Living in Sweden
thereby I could not miss the chance of renting a kayak and exploring this
charming world; it was the middle of July when me and my girlfriend prepared all the needs
for a 15 days travel: a tent, food, water, petrol ring, maps, compass,...and we left
towards the open sea. I hardly forgot the sunrise from the sea horizon I
saw one morning getting up at 4.00 am. Moreover among all the islands we zigzagged,
I fell in love particularly for that called Moja. It's one of the biggest, where
there're no car, left alone some funny three-wheels moped, and just
one paved road. It seems in Moja time froze 30 years ago. I got so charmed, that I came
back 6 months later in the middle of the winter when everything was covered by a fifty cm
thick layer of snow, all the creeks frozen, the 20 hours of light turned in few
ones, and all the windows lit by the typical swedish christmas lights. The island
seemed fallen in a kinda of hibernation, waiting for the far far next summer.
Alby |