S. Petersburg
5 days - February 2005
more about Russia (Moscow, N. Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Samara,
Kazan) visit also my Russia 03- 04 travel
of travel:
A wholly independent travel
February 2005
I moved:
by metro, tranvaj, minibus and a lot on foot!
I slept:
in a expensive prebooked bleak hotel in the city centre (I almost
didn't pay it obviously :-)
How much:
it's not that cheap; on the opposite, even minimasing the expenses,
like sleeping in some shitty place in the outskirts, your daily
budget could hardly be below 40 euro
or freezing?
in february definitely freezing (-10C) and hardly you're
gonna to peek for the sun through the clouds; the snow and the
ice have its charm though.
we haven't had any problem, but drunks loitering around could
sometimes jeopardize your serenity
I liked:
needless to say, the well known Palaces with their huge parks
outside the city and the endless frozen layer of the Baltic sea
What I dislike:
the city itself didn't charm me particularly. I had bigger expectations
considering my previous experience in Russia: the Moscow metro
is definitely more typical and cities like Kazan, felt to me more
exotic. Maybe just 'cause they lie further east.
you do need:
if you learm some cyrillic it will be easier and funnier, otherwise
just don't forget to wear warm!
Due to my
precedent experiences travelling in Russia
I could't help comparing San Petersburg with what I already knew
about Russia: the former Leningrad turned out fitting with the
rest of the country but definitely by softer tones. I mean I felt
being in the western Russia both in the appearence of the town
itself and in the attitude of the people. This if it could make
your staying less "exotic" as well it will make it easier:
for instance a lot of writtings are translitterated, quick formalities
at the dogane, people are more used to deal with foreigner
hence they seem more helpfull (always by the Russian standards
In short even if
you are a new comer in Russia you shouldn't have difficulties
here, apart getting your wallet emptied.
The last but not the least, even if you aren't particularly
fond of art and so on like me, you couldn't avoid but being charmed
by the beauty of the famous Palaces.